Mr. Mwankenja is an Assistant Director-Planning Section of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. He has fifteen years (15) of working experience as Planner and Policy Analyst in the Infrastructure and Services sectors (Energy, Transport and Finance having worked with the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Planning Commission and Presidents Delivery Bureau. Among his personal achievements includes being actively engaged in the drafting of the Tanzania Long Term Perspective Plan (LTTP) 2011/12 – 2025/26, the Tanzania Five Year Development Plan (2011/12 – 2015/16),participation in preparation of Transport Strategy and Road Sector Development Programme for EAC Countries, engaged in preparation of a road map for operationalization of an efficient National Delivery Unit and the Lab Approach for Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Development Projects/ Programmes, member of Secretariat to the Chief Secretary’s appointed Taskforce that was charged to set up the President’s Delivery Bureau (PDB) and preparing the first wave of Labs as part of implementing the Government’ Big Results Now initiative on six identified National Key Results Areas (NKRAs), awarded a certificate of recognition by Rt. Hon. Mizengo Peter Pinda, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania for participating in the first wave of lab as facilitator in the Energy Lab from February – April, 2013, engaged in drafting of the Second National Five Years Development Plan (2016/17 – 2020/21) and Member of Taskforce appointed by Chief Secretary in May 2022 to review the existing planning and coordination process within Government machinery and recommend best ways of improving Government’s service delivery. He holds a Master of Arts (International Development Policy) from the University of Bradford-UK.